What we do
New Construction & Repair
Sunset Mechanical has been doing new construction and repairs of service stations for 25 years! We are certified and specialize in everything under the roof of your establishment from underground storage tanks, pumps, lines, etc. Whether you have a need for something new or a simple repair, we are at your service.
Vapor Recovery
With 25 years of experience, Sunset Mechanical follows all CARB test procedures and Executive Orders to keep you in compliance with the air quality regulations governing your site. You can trust our personnel to be well knowledgeable, trained, and certified to perform:
- Pressure Decay Testing
- Dynamic Back Pressure Testing
- Air to Liquid Ratio Testing
- Vapor to Liquid Ratio Testing
- Liquid Removal Device Testing
- Healy Vacuum Return Tightness Testing
- Healy Booted Nozzle Testing
- Pressure/Vacuum Vent Cap Testing
- Flow Rate Determination Testing
Leak Detection
Underground storage tank testing is one of the most crucial things a UST owner can do to protect their investment, minimize risk to the environment, and remain compliant. At Sunset Mechanical we provide tank, line, and leak detector testing with minor interuption of your day-to-day business.
Our testing techniques can be used on virtually all petroleum products. Tanks ranging from 95% full to essentially empty may be tested. All of the methods we use at Sunset Mechanical are third-party certified, as well as, follow all Federal EPA regulations.
Sunset Mechanical is proud to have the most experienced, best trained staff with more than 25 years of experience! In addition, our 24 hour, 7 days a week emergency response service provides you assurance that we are here to take care of your testing needs, whenever they occur.
Your Reports, When You Want Them
All of your test results can be viewed or printed any time you want them. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Secondary Containment
California regulations SB989 require secondary containment testing at all new sites upon installation, within 6 months after installation and every 36 months thereafter. All existing sites were required to be tested prior to December 31, 2002 and every 36 months since that date.
Secondary containment systems act as the failsafe for underground storage tanks in the event a release occurs. Leaking pipes, dispenser pans, spill buckets, and sumps could cause a product to be released into the environment; this causes major problems for the UST owner from regulatory agencies. Testing of the secondary containment ensures that if a release occurs, it will be contained and the UST owner will remain in compliance.
Spill Bucket Testing
Spill containment buckets keep petroleum products from being released into the environment if a spill or overflow occurs. Weathering effects, such as, corrosion can cause spill containment buckets to degrade to the point that leaks may occur.
If a spill bucket is found to be leaking, our technicians can repair or replace it and test the system again, saving you time and money by not requiring a return trip.
Monitoring Systems Certifications
All monitoring systems in California are required to be certified annually. Our experienced technicians can certify your system and have you back up and running. We also provide same day repair if needed.
Helium Leak Locating
In the event of a leak, our technicians will be able to locate it utilizing helium tracing technology. Our trained staff is capable of repairing the leak in a timely manner, minimizing down time.
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